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Friday, November 12, 2010


It is caused due to the overflow of the fertile soil due to the different media. It is very much caused in the hills areas due to the absence of Terrance farming and step farming the cultivable land are being destroyed due to its occurrence if swept all the fertilities used for agriculture and its production of crops soil erosion unmanaged the fertility of crops not only the fertility of crops is destroyed but also. It pollutes the environment as well as river or
sources of water the mud slides from the different landscape and makes it developing of crops which indirectly destroys. The economical status of a person . its erosion pollutes the environments and cause different degradation likes landslide deforestation degradation of the cultural sites and cause the desertification of different landscape and totally makes its fertility unmanaged

Narcotic Drugs

In fact drug are chemical subastance that cause change when take into the body. The change may also affect a person emotionals or moods. Drugs acts on the body chemistry. Medicine are one kind of drugs. Such drugs may be prescribed to fight infection. Drugs of these kinds are bought on the writer order of a physician. But when the drugs are consumed for reasons other than cure, and in amounts, strength, frequency or manner than damages/alters the user mental & physical well-being, it is reffered to as abuse of drugs
According to WHO narcotic drugs are those substance which may bring one or more change in the function of organism after their administrator. There are deveral narcotic drugs which have been of benefits to mankind when they were prescribed for use by a doctor. They are essential in modern medicine. Their use by an individual without a doctors order in dangerous. Narcotic drug are used by a doctor to deaden pain. They are effective as painkillers in the hands of a doctor because they diminish the sensitiveness of a brain

Social Evils

Social & cultural practices that have adverse or negative impact on all, or some group of people including girls women, and dalit are known as social evils. Social evils exist in almost all societies, communities, religion, regions are civilization since time immemorial. The only difference is educated & developed societies have released, and given up the practices that are unscientific, inhuman, undemocratic and discriminatory. On the other hand, developing countries with a large percentage of illiterate, ignorant and unexploited masses of people are yet to give up the various aspect of social evils. However the combined effort of law, act, education and awarness, democratic principles, modern and western influence have been helping to gradually eradicate these time immemorial practices. The constution of Nepal, including the interim constution 2063, have explicitly declared social evils as illegal act that are punishable by law. In practice, the various type of society evil do prevail in the day-to-day the severity of the social evils in much more in rural areas than the urban centers. Impact of social evils and problems
Felling of nationalism and petrolism declines.
deprivation of fundamental rights / human rights.
deprivation of social culture rights & privileges.
social communal and political conflict / violence, hatered, grudge.
increase poverty and deprivation.
sovernity, democracy and unity became weaker.
narrow division of society / community.
the effort of planned development cannot achive the object of equity, equaity and quality life.
lack of equal aspect, support and co-ordinate among the people at different levels.
psychological / pressure / develop inferiority complex
lack of mass baed political participation
Resources accumulate in a few hands.

Unmanaged Urbanization

The process of urbanization should be carried foreword in a organized way. It is projected that more than half of the population of the world will live in urban area by 2005 A.D. the migration for rural society to urban society is increase. The process will be the unorganized if there are construction of houses without plan; the extension of settlement of zone, management of waste, drainage, drinking water, electricity etc. are not arranged. The facilities which are needed for city cannot be made available due to fast exaction of the city area. The cities are the basis for economic growth which provides movement for economic and social change. If pressure of population goes on increasing with out the fulfillment of basic needs required for urbanization, the city is extended with out the desire mean &resources. Due to this, there is development of unorganized city. Such unorganized urbanization is not favorable for healthy environment.


It is also one of the major Natural disaster. It is a overfill of large mass of the land on the different place . We might have heared that the destruction cause by landslide. It has destroyed different agriculture land lives of the people and different house lying in the top of the hills. The landslide is caused mostly in the hills because of its geographical condition landslide has been a great problem for the people of the hilly regions. This is caused due to the deforestation of the forest because the roots of the trees has observed the land tightly which makes the occurrence of the landslide less show. The afforest ration should be done to make the improvement of economical Statues. The world will be not faced the terms of poverty and support to the economically development of the world as well as its features and it will make least population.


Alcohol liquor manufactured by sing food grains, fruits yams or root (rich in starch) duly mixed with yeast a type of fungal plant. This drug has slow affects on human health. It is made legal with as it does not have severe effects unlike that of the other drugs. Alcohol is not only for drinking and getting intoxicant but also fuel in vehicles and medical purpose.
Alcohol acts as a sedative it bottles up the disagreeable thoughts and sensations and produces as a feelings of well beings and happiness but alcohol or its misuse acts as slow poison beers, wine and "hard liquors" are three common type of alcoholic drinks . hard liquors include vodka whiskey gin rum & brandy. The alcoholic content of beer is about 3-6 % . Wine vary in alcoholic content from 12-30%. The alcoholic contains of hard liquors range from 40-50%
Alcohol is a manufactured by a process called fragmentation. In this process fruits juice, corn , rye and other substances are turned into alcohol because they contain calories , alcoholic beverage can be classed as foods. But they have no nutritive value other than calories. From the various type of alcohol people use ‘ethyl alcohol’ or ‘ethanol’ is used in the form of drinks.
Alcohol is also classed as a drug. It is a depressant drug of sedative it acts on the brain centrals controls area brain .actively is slowed down under the influence o alcohol. Alcohol has many valuable uses for people. Its use in a drink is not one of them but when a person drinks too much and become dependent on alcohol, he is an alcoholic. It then becomes very difficult or impossible for him to stop drinking without help. If he stops drinking he becomes ill because of his body. Dependence on alcohol his psychological dependence gives him the desire to drink again & again. In fact alcoholisms is a major chronic disease and a great social problem. The economic and social costs are great. It is a very bad addiction which is difficult to cure.

Chhuwachhut Pratha (Untouchability)

Our society has been divided into different castes which are high and low in order. The lowest caste ‘sudra’ is regarded untouchables whom the higher castes do not touch. This has been a stigma in our society in which one person does not touch another person. It degrades humanity and violates human rights. Untouchability was declared illegal in 2020 B.S but is still in practice in the society based on the caste system this tradition remains in our society as the leftovers of the feudal system, this creates discrimination as the higher caste people do not eat food touched by lower caste people. This has also given birth to revolt in the society. Such society evils must be uprooted from the society by the joint effort of all people

Effects of drugs addiction

Drugs addiction is a global problem today. Once a person gets habituated to it, he/she needs it regularly. Only a few can correct themselves from drug addiction. People are warned of the consequences of drugs abuse and the government’s circular is given everywhere stating that it is illegal as well as immoral. In spite of all these, the production go on, its sale increases and the users also increase it is generally believed that the drug culture came with the ‘hippi’ in the 1960s. The first reported case of drug (heroine) abuse came in 1976. It spread like an epidemic by 1980s. By the year 2004, there were over 50,000 drug addicts. Among the drugs heroine’s top position in the early 1990s (90%) is now taken by tidigesic (78%) about 3-4% of total population take drug in the world at large these are some of the effects of drug addiction.
HIV and AIDS rapidly increase.
Dead teenagers parents say, "Don’t start no drugs."
Drug smuggler imprisoned for 20 years.
Police says, "Crime increased due to drugs."
A parent says, "Don’t touch drugs."
Everyone in the society hates a drug addiction.

Alcohol and tobacco: Legal but dangerous drugs
Alcohol is a drug for a person, a fuel for cars, and a solvent for grease. Alcohol does not kill a person instantly but is works as a slow poison.
Slowly the liver of the user will stop working and in a couple of years the person dies. The user of alcohol alone is not affected. The whole family of the user is affected badly. Financially, the person will become bankrupt, there wont be peace in the family and people living in the surroundings will feel insecure if there is a drunkard in there neighborhood. Similarly, tobacco is also another dangerous drug. The use of tobacco ultimately collapses the respiratory system. It also poses a threat to the functioning of other organs of our body.
There can be different ways to cure the drug addicts. Medicines can help to reduce the effect of drug, no doubt, but, it is not the remedy. The best remedy is not to take drugs at all. It is easier said then done. The victims need counseling. The family , the surroundings and the society as a whole need to develop a positive attitude towards them. The drugs addicts most be taught that there are other important thinks in life.
The advertisement and publicity of tobacco and alcohol has been banned in electronic media as they are taken as drugs. The buying and selling of few drugs has been banned in the world as they are very dangerous. The involvement in the business of such drug is taken as a illegal activity and a crime.

We have to wage a media war on drugs. We have to stop advertising for alcohol or even tobacco. Topics like Drug addiction and other related problem should be included into the syllabus of our school.


Drugs is most harmful for all the human beings it damage our body structure. Drug is substance used as intoxicant. People get addicted to it and cannot live without it. It damages their mind as well as the body. There are different categories of drugs according to their ability of harm. Most drugs are poisonous; some kill instantly, some take a short time and some take longer to kill the users so any substance that affect our mind and organs and damages our body is a drugs. There are many dangerous drugs; so dangerous that the governments of most of the countries of the worlds have put a band on their production and sale.