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Friday, November 12, 2010


Alcohol liquor manufactured by sing food grains, fruits yams or root (rich in starch) duly mixed with yeast a type of fungal plant. This drug has slow affects on human health. It is made legal with as it does not have severe effects unlike that of the other drugs. Alcohol is not only for drinking and getting intoxicant but also fuel in vehicles and medical purpose.
Alcohol acts as a sedative it bottles up the disagreeable thoughts and sensations and produces as a feelings of well beings and happiness but alcohol or its misuse acts as slow poison beers, wine and "hard liquors" are three common type of alcoholic drinks . hard liquors include vodka whiskey gin rum & brandy. The alcoholic content of beer is about 3-6 % . Wine vary in alcoholic content from 12-30%. The alcoholic contains of hard liquors range from 40-50%
Alcohol is a manufactured by a process called fragmentation. In this process fruits juice, corn , rye and other substances are turned into alcohol because they contain calories , alcoholic beverage can be classed as foods. But they have no nutritive value other than calories. From the various type of alcohol people use ‘ethyl alcohol’ or ‘ethanol’ is used in the form of drinks.
Alcohol is also classed as a drug. It is a depressant drug of sedative it acts on the brain centrals controls area brain .actively is slowed down under the influence o alcohol. Alcohol has many valuable uses for people. Its use in a drink is not one of them but when a person drinks too much and become dependent on alcohol, he is an alcoholic. It then becomes very difficult or impossible for him to stop drinking without help. If he stops drinking he becomes ill because of his body. Dependence on alcohol his psychological dependence gives him the desire to drink again & again. In fact alcoholisms is a major chronic disease and a great social problem. The economic and social costs are great. It is a very bad addiction which is difficult to cure.

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